Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Week 7 - Monitoring

This week I learned that monitoring a search engine is important because it helps you to analyze and record all the traffic that runs through different websites. The idea behind monitoring the traffic from a website is to know what are the different website components that attract and convert different visitors into customers. A well done website can help you or your company to attract each month a huge number of targeted audience.

The visitor traffic analysis can be done by following these 5 parameters:
1-Traffic on keywords
2-Keywords and landing page
3-Whether the call to action was followed for conversion
4-Qualified Traffic
5- Converted traffic
Finally, keywords is the most important parameter to follow to accomplish a well done website analysis because by knowing with what words people look for certain stuff, it will be easy for the companies or private websites to know what keywords they should use for their website description for the searchers.  

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

WEEK 8 - Hubspot - Cultivating Happy Customers.

This week in Hubspot, I learned that cultivating happy customers is important because that will help the company as a whole to have a better relationship with its customers. Most of the companies spend a lot of money on trying to acquire new customers as well as trying to come up with new products ideas. Since trying to acquire new customers means spending a lot of money for a company, a company needs to understand that is better for them to keep existing customers by satisfying their needs rather than just forgetting about them.

Another reason of why keeping in mind existing customers is because only 7% of customers said that they have gotten an outstanding customer service experience, meaning that companies have more priorities in obtaining new customers rather than to improve their customer services to keep their existing customers happy. Finally, to help the company achieve its goal of keeping their customers happy, is to keep their employees happy as well because if the company's employees are happy, the services that they will provide to the customers will be better, and therefore, the three pillars of customers delight which are Innovation, Communication, and Education will be putted in practice.

WEEK 7- Hubspot- Taking Your Sales Process Inbound

This week in Hubspot I learned that sales processes have been changing because buying habits have changed. To start with the right foot, for the sales process you have to target the right people because if you don't, your sales might not be as expected. Also you have to keep in mind that social media have an important role in sales because according to Hubspot, 72.6% of salespeople using social media outperformed other salespeople that were not using social media.


Finally, to have success in the sales process you might want to know who you are talking to, or to whom you are directing your sales to, and that is why is important to know your audience. Also is important to understand that the best way of doing sales is with professionalism and as a trusted sales person; therefore, the best way of doing sales is by doing them directly person to person.